Saturday, March 14, 2009

9 - inhalational anaesthetics mcqs - part 1

Q: rapid induction of anaesthesia occurs with which of the following anaesthetic agents ?

a. isoflurane
b. halothane
c. desflurane
d. sevoflurane

explanation : rapid induction of anaesthsia is seen with both desflurane and sevoflurane but desflurane is the answer as it causes more rapid induction of anaesthsia than sevoflurane .

--- the speed of induction by inhalational anaesthetics in descending order is :

1. nitrous oxide
2. desflurane
3. sevoflurane
4. isoflurane
5. halothane

--- an important point to be noted here is that “ the rate of induction of anaesthesia by inhalational anaesthetics is inversely proportional to its blood gas partition coefficient" , that is the agents with low blood gas partition coefficient like nitrous oxide will have faster rate of induction .

-- this question was asked in the AIIMS November 2002 question paper .

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