Tuesday, March 17, 2009

25 - AIIMS june 2000 anaesthesia mcqs

1q: hyperkalemia due to scoline is seen in all except ?

a. muscular dystrophy
b. crush injury
c. abdominal sepsis
d. burns

2q: 5 year old child going for sitting craniotomy , while positioning in O.T developed end tidal CO2 –zero mm Hg, PO2 – 80 mm Hg implies that ?

a. venous air embolism
b. left lung collapse
c. endotracheal tube in oesophagus
d. endotracheal tube blocked with secretions

3q: a 5 year old boy suffering from duchenne muscular dystrophy and polymyositis has been fasting for 8 hours and has to undergo tendon lengthening procedure , which anaesthetics should be used ?

a. induction by I.V.scoline and N2O halothane for maintenance
b. induction by I.V.propofol , N2O and O2 for maintenance
c. induction by I.V. thiopentone and H20 and halothane for maintenance
d. inhalational N2O ,halothane and O2 for maintenance

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