Tuesday, March 17, 2009

36 - AIIMS november 2005 anaesthesia mcqs

1q: bradycardia is common after injection of ?

a. midazolam
b. succinyl choline
c. dopamine
d. isoprenaline

2q: with regard to ketamine , all of the following are true except ?

a. it is a direct myocardial depressant
b. emergence phenomena are more likely if anticholinergic premedication is used
c. it may induce cardiac dysarrythmias in patients receiving tricyclic antidepressants
d. it has no effect on intracranial pressure

3q: which of the following is not a cardiovascular monitoring technique ?

a. transesophageal echocardiography
b. central venous pressure monitoring
c. pulmonary artery catheterization
d. capnography

4q: placement of a double lumen tube for lung surgery is best confirmed by ?

a. EtCO2
b. Airway pressure measurement
c. Clinically by auscultation
d. Bronchoscopy

5q: the most sensitive and practical technique for detection of myocardial ischemia in the perioperative period is ?

a. magnetic resonance spectroscopy
b. radio labeled lactate spectroscopy
c. direct measurement of end diastolic pressure
d. regional wall motion abnormality detected with the help of 2D transesophageal echocardiography

6q: the most common cause of hypoxia during one lung ventilation is ?

a. malposition of the double lumen tube
b. increased shunt fraction
c. collapse of one lung
d. soiling of lung by secretions

7q: a 30 year old woman with coarctation of aorta is admitted to the labour room for elective caesarean section . which of the following is the anaesthesia technique of choice?

a. spinal anaesthesia
b. epidural anaesthesia
c. general anaesthesia
d. local anaesthesia with nerve blocks

8q: a 5 year old child is suffering from cyanotic heart disease. He is planned for corrective surgery. The induction agent of choice would be ?

a. thiopentone
b. ketamine
c. halothane
d. midazolam

9q: while introducing the swan-ganz catheter , its placement in the pulmonary artery can be identified by the following pressure tracing

a. diastolic pressure is lower in pulmonary artery than in right ventricle
b. diastolic pressure is higher in pulmonary artery than in right ventricle
c. pulmonary artery pressure tracing has diacrotic notch from closure of pulmonary valve
d. RV pressure tracing for plateau and sharp drop in early diastole

10q: the outcome following resuscitation of a cardiac arrest is worsened if during resuscitation patient is given ?

a. ringer’s lactate
b. colloids
c. 5 % dextrose
d. Whole blood transfusion

11q: a 6 month old child is suffering from patent ductus arteriosus ( PDA ) with congestive cardiac failure. Ligation of ductus arteriosus was decided for surgical management. The most appropriate inhalational anaesthetic agent of choice with minimal hemodynamic alteration for induction of anaesthesia is ?

a. sevoflurane
b. isoflurane
c. enflurane
d. halothane

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