Tuesday, March 17, 2009

19 - AIIMS june 1997 anaesthesia mcqs

1q: stages of anaesthesia were established by ?

a. ether
b. nitrous oxide
c. cyclopropane
d. chloroform

2q: best antagonist of morphine is ?

a. pentazocine
b. bupernorphine
c. naloxone
d. nalorphine

3q: anaesthetic agent causing raised intracranial tension is ?

a. etoruidal
b. ketamine
c. ether
d. nitrous oxide

4q: hepatotoxic anaesthetic agent is ?

a. ketamine
b. ether
c. nitrous oxide
d. halothane

5q: nephrotoxic anaesthetic agent is ?

a. halothane
b. isoflurane
c. methoxyflurane
d. nitrous oxide

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